City of Mesa Street Directory Report

This web application is used to view and/or print the City of Mesa Street Directory, which contains a listing of streets within the Enterprise GIS system along with their hundred block location and address range.

Report data is viewed alphabetically by clicking a letter. You may view a printer-friendly PDF version of the report by clicking the Display/Print PDF version of this page... link. Note that selecting the All Streets option and generating a PDF may take some time.

NOTE: The data displayed in this report is updated every Sunday evening.

Feedback Instructions If you have questions or concerns regarding report data or the use of this application please contact Enterprise-GIS through e-mail at

Street Directory

PDF Display/print PDF version of this page...
Search by letter: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Numbered | All streets
DirectionNameTypeSuffixLocationAddress Range FromAddress Range To
Data pager
Data pager
Page size:
 579 items in 12 pages
NTABOR  6600E3700N3721N
ETAHOEAVE 5800S9712E9729E
ETAHOECIR 5800S9640E9711E
ETALAMEERAVE 5100S10150E10199E
STALBOT  9750E1720S1799S
STALBOTCIR 9750E1920S1969S
ETALONAVE 5600S9500E9519E